If you haven't heard of micellar water then where have you been hiding?! To cut all the science out and long confusing words micellar water contains oil molecules that will cleanse and tone without interfering with skins pH balance.
Lately I've become a little lazy in my evening skin care routine and taken to laying in bed with a packet of make up wipes. It was time to stop and swap for a few cotton pads and a bottle micellar water by Superdrugs new premium brand, B.

B micellar water is a 3 in 1 cleanser that claims to dissolve impurities in a single sweep. Simply get a cotton pad, put a few drops on and wipe with no rinsing required. Now I do wear more make up than I probably need for example eyebrow pencil for my power brows, a ton of black liquid eyeliner for my mini Amy Winehouse -esque flicks and a load of mascara (2-3 different brands at once) so removing my eye make up is definitely my biggest pain.
So could B micellar water actually remove my make up using just a couple of cotton pads? Yes and no. I've seen a few reviews by bloggers having used this product saying it stung their eyes when removing their eye make up. Well you crazypants the bottle says avoid contact with eyes. Nevertheless I decided to see if it really did sting my eyes and to be honest it didn't but it was awful at removing my liquid eyeliner and mascara and I gave up trying and used a different eye make up remover. Next up was removing the rest of my make up and it was time for the micellar water to live up to the hype and which it did indeed! It removed the rest of my make up amazingly with one minor negative; after removing all my make up my face felt slightly sticky even though you don't have to rinse your face afterwards. There was no sign of any sticky face in the morning and my skin looked so soft and thoroughly cleansed. B. micellar water is a much better alternative to removing my make up than wipes and it requires the same amount of effort.
A little fact that scores major kudos in my book about B. is that all products are cruelty free! I've yet to try anything else from B but the micellar water has single handedly impressed me enough!
B. micellar water retails at £4.99 for 150ml. You can purchase it
online or from selected Superdrug stores.