Are you at war with your face? Yes Lush, I am! Okay maybe I'm over reacting a little. Now and again I do get the odd spot and now with a mini mountain on my chin and a couple of little ones on my forehead I decided it was time to try my first fresh face mask from Lush.
Cosmetic Warrior (£5.95, 75g) needs to be stored in the fridge because of the natural ingredients, which also means it has a use by date as it'll go off. Pros of this? It's nice and refreshingly cool when you take it out of the fridge.
All the ingredients are: Kaolin, Fresh Green Grapes, Fresh Free Range Eggs, Honey, Cornstarch, Glycerine, Fresh Garlic, Tea Tree Oil, Limonene and Perfume.

My first thoughts on reading the ingredients was "uh oh". Fresh garlic is one of the main ingredients and I didn't want to leave the house with a garlic smelling face. Fresh garlic works as an antiseptic in this mask and surprisingly I couldn't smell any trace of it. The main ingredient I could smell was the tea tree oil and it didn't bother me at all. There isn't any over powering smells in this mask which led to me to leaving the mask on for over the 5-10 minutes recommended on the tub.
After applying Cosmetic Warrior on my face I felt it setting in under a minute. I put quite a thin layer on as I was a little scared of how strong it would smell! Although the tub is pretty small I can see it lasting a while (well until the use by date) as I only seemed to use the top layer and I covered my whole face, so if you're thinking it's a bit much for a small ish tub then I wouldn't worry. The mask dries with a yellowy tint it to as opposed to the grey colour it comes in.
It was really easy to wash off and I couldn't believe how soft my skin felt! After just one application my skin actually looks so much healthier too. And my mini mountain on my chin? The redness seems to gone down a little but obviously I wasn't expecting miracles. You literally cannot smell any of the ingredients from the mask lingering on your skin either once it's completely washed off. I am really pleased with Cosmetic Warrior and would recommend it to anyone with combination and spot-prone skin.
Have you tried any of the other fresh face masks by Lush? What's your favourite?